
Thursday, November 19, 2009


Wow! Recent BOSU DVD shoot was nothing but hi-octane with Twister, Durkin, Shiels, Mylrea, Roberts, me and the team...BOSU Balance Trainers, Ballast Balls, Slingshots, Smart Toners, lines of pull everywhere...rocked out 9 DVDs and NEW BOSU "mystery" accessory product for 2010...Twist Conditioning and BOSU...coming at you full speed...Are you ready?

Watch for the release of the new BOSU DVD's in 2010!

by: Douglas Brooks

1 comment:

roji said...

Half Hour Power ,featuring the Bryan

Brothers and Melanie Oudien, is a revolutionary resistance training and fitness program designed specifically to give

tennis players a faster first step, a stronger core and an edge over the competition.">