
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Logical Progressions That Build Postural Strength and Fine Tune High Velocity Rotation

To drive up your skill velocity, build for power through athletic rotation. After that, all you need to do is practice celebrating points and victories! To begin, safely, follow the progressions below that first build postural strength and as a last step fine tune high velocity rotation.


  1. To achieve desired results as well as prevent lower back injury, athletes are cued to ‘set their core’. The easiest way to explain this is to experience the ‘clenching’ or ‘bracing’ of the core when someone unexpectedly fakes a punch to your stomach. This corset effect is a set core that prepares the region to contract and exert force as well as absorb forces.
  2. Initially prescribe static hold supine and prone positioned exercises. Lengthen the duration of holds and add loading and/or instability to those positions to gain full core strength.
  3. Shift static core stability hold exercises to closed kinetic chain positions.
  4. Add slow tempo full ROM rotation through the transverse plane with emphasis on loading the eccentric deceleration phase. Use a 2:4 rep count (2 seconds concentric, 4 seconds eccentric).
  5. Increase the intent of power initiation at specific ranges of motion.
  6. Increase the loading, movement velocity and rep counts for a given exercise.
  7. Decrease eccentric-concentric coupling time at the point of direction change to generate power.

The Twist Team!

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